Lewin, Thomas | University of Oxford | United Kingdom |
Lewis, Clifton | University of Leicester | United Kingdom |
Leyhr, Jake | Uppsala University | Sweden |
Li, Ruyan | University of Copenhagen | Denmark |
Li, Xueying | EMBL - Heidelberg | Germany |
Liang, Yan | Queen Mary University of London | United Kingdom |
Liang, Yuxi | Sainsbury Laboratory University of Cambridge | United Kingdom |
Liberti, Assunta | Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn - Naples | Italy |
Liedtke, Christoph H. | Biological Station of Doñana - CSIC - Sevilla | Spain |
Lister, Ryan | University of Western Australia - Crawley | Australia |
Lloyd, Victoria | University of Sheffield | United Kingdom |
Lo Vercio, Lucas | University of Calgary | Canada |
Locascio, Annamaria | Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn - Naples | Italy |
López Fernández, María José | Centro Andaluz de Biología del Desarrollo / Universidad de Barcelona | Spain |
Lotan, Tamar | University of Haifa | Israel |
Lotz, Dominik | Institut für Botanik - AG Entwicklungsbiologie der Pflanzen - Justus-Liebig University - Giessen | Germany |
Loubet-Senear, Katy | Harvard University - Cambridge | United States of America |
Lozano Quiles, Maria | Institut für Molekulare Evolution | Germany |
Lucibelli, Francesca | University of Naples Federico II, Department of Biology | Italy |
Machacova, Simona | Department of Cell Biology, Charles University - Prague | Czechia (Czech Republic) |
MacLeod, Alexander | Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf | Germany |
Maeso, Ignacio | University of Barcelona | Spain |
Magri, Marta Silvia | Centro Andaluz de Biologia des Desarrollo (CABD) Universidad Pablo de Olavide - Sevilla | Spain |
Majic, Paco | ETH Zurich | Uruguay |
Malkmus, Jonas | Department of Biomedicine UNiversity of Basel | Germany |
Manni, Lucia | University of Padova | Italy |
Mannucci, Maria Pia | free lance (no affiliation) | Italy |
Marconi, Aleksandra | Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge | United Kingdom |
Marlétaz, Ferdinand | University College London | United Kingdom |
Marotta, Pina | Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn - Naples | Italy |
Marti-Solans, Josep | Sars International Centre for Marine Molecular Biology - Bergen | Norway |
Martín Blanco, Carlos Antonio | Centro Andaluz de Biología del Desarrollo (CABD) - Sevilla | Spain |
Martin Duran, Jose M | Queen Mary University of London | United Kingdom |
Martín-Aguilar, Lourdes | Facultad de Ciencias Geológicas, Universidad Complutense de Madrid | Spain |
Martínez-Salazar, Sebastián | Universidad de Antioquia | Colombia |
Marugán-Lobón, Jesús | Universidad Autónoma de Madrid | Spain |
Maurizii, Maria Gabriella | University of Bologna (Department BiGeA) | Italy |
Mayeur, Hélène | OOB - CNRS - Banyuls sur mer | France |
Mayrose, Itay | Tel Aviv University | Israel |
Mayur, Prag | University of Oxford | United Kingdom |
McDougall, Alex | Sorbonne Université/CNRS - Villefranche sur Mer | France |
Medina Jiménez, Brenda Irene | Uppsala University | Sweden |
Meiborg, Adriaan | EMBL - Heidelberg | Germany |
Melzer, Rainer | University College Dublin | Ireland |
Mercurio, Silvia | Dept of Environmental Science and Policy, Università degli Studi di Milano | Italy |
Metz, Hans | private (no affiliation) | Netherlands |
Meyer, Anne | Carnegie Mellon University - Pittsburgh | United States of America |
Michel, Leo | CNRS Observatoire océanologique - Banyuls-sur-Mer | France |
Miglioli, Angelica | Institut de la mer de Villefranche, LBDV, CNRS | France |
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