EED Awards

Changes in our Executive Committee

Jukka Jernvall has stepped down from his position as President of the Executive Committee due to personal reasons. Jukka’s leadership has been invaluable to our Society, and we wish him all the best in his future endeavors. Annette Becker will serve as acting President, and Carlos Guerrero Bosagna will take on the role of Vice-president during this interim period.

The Election Committee is currently organizing new elections for a President, which are scheduled to occur within the next few months. We appreciate your understanding while we work towards ensuring a smooth transition process.

2025 Berlin PLANT EVO-DEVO Symposium

Please take note of the following meeting, with a deadline for application approaching quickly:

The international ICIPS Symposium will be held on March 25-28 in Berlin, Germany.
Please register via the symposium website, which you can find at

EED Awards

Frietson Galis Distinguished Fellow 2024

At our most recent meeting in Helsinki, Dr. Frietson Galis, senior researcher at Naturalis Biodiversity Centre, has received the distinction of distinguished Fellow. Distinguished Fellows are chosen for their research accomplishments and their service to evolutionary developmental biology.

From the nominations: “She is the main founding member of the society, in that she came with the idea and did most of the initial organisation. … In all her functions, from president to program officer she made sure that it stuck to its original ideals: maintaining a healthy balance between its blood groups: morphologically oriented developmental biologists, developmental geneticists, phylogeneticists and evolutionary population biologists, between plant, animal and theoretical biologists, as well as between nationalities and between genders, and this for all its activities, from committees to conference symposia. …She has made highly interesting connections between physical constraints on the machinery of early developmental processes to constraints on properties of the genotype to phenotype map, to consequent properties of indirect selection patterns in high dimensional trait spaces, and from there to the conservation of various aspects of early development over evolutionary time”.

EED Awards

Biennial Award 2024 to Scott Gilbert

At our most recent meeting in Helsinki, Scott Gilbert, Howard A. Schneiderman ’48 Professor Emeritus in Biology and Finland Distinguished Professor, emeritus, at the University of Helsinki, has received the biennial award of the Society. Biennial awards of the Society are given for outstanding contributions to the field of evolutionary developmental biology.

From the nominations: “Scott Gilbert has authored several textbooks in developmental biology, evolutionary developmental biology and ecological (evolutionary) developmental biology and just because of that, he has already widely contributed to the spread of our discipline across generations of scholars … In the nineties he has contributed to the conceptual formation of a new and more robust evolutionary synthesis which includes embryology. … More recently, he has argued that the holobiont is an important unit of evolutionary selection, which raises doubts on still common views on the role of the genotype and genetic control in individuation … Particularly appreciated are also his efforts to point out the importance of considering the science of development and embryology in general discussions in society.”.


Close to 500 submitted abstracts for the Helsinki meeting

Abstract submission for our Helsinki meeting in June is closed now. Currently, the number of abstracts is estimated to be close to 500, and we are reviewing the situation to see if we can accommodate more. Thank you for the enthusiastic response to the call and please check the Conference News page for updates. Invited and plenary speakers who have not yet submitted their abstracts may contact for instructions on how to submit their abstracts.

The executive committee and the local organizing committee.

Applications for travel grants can be submitted until 31/01

The deadline for the travel scholarship applications has been extended to the 31st January.

Best wishes,
Rainer Melzer (secretary) on behalf of the EED executive committee and local organizing committee

Euro Evo Devo Travel Scholarships for participation in the Helsinki meeting

Dear members of the EED,

At the European Society for Evolutionary Developmental Biology we are strongly committed to the values of diversity, equality and inclusion. Our mission is to make science a more inclusive, engaged and equitable place, ensuring that we have different perspectives to create a better environment where everyone feels welcome.

Therefore, at this year’s EED meeting (, we would like to offer a limited number of full scholarships (travel to the conference, accommodation and conference fee cover) to students from low and middle income countries. To be eligible for the scholarship, you must be based at a research institution in a research4Life Group A or Group B country (see list here: We invite eligible applicants to apply in order to present their work at the meeting, to network with scientists from around the world, and to have their work recognized by their peers. Individuals from disadvantaged groups and early career researchers are especially encouraged to apply for this fellowship program.

Fellowships will be awarded by a selection committee to eligible students who meet a set of criteria (country of research organisation, career stage, justification, and scientific abstract). Successful awardees will be notified before the Euro Evo Devo abstract submission deadline, so that a registration to the conference is not required until a decision has been made on the scholarships.

Please apply via this Google form by January 10, 2024:

Best wishes,
Rainer Melzer (secretary) on behalf of the EED executive committee and local organizing committee
EED Awards

EED awards 2024: call for nominations.

Dear members of the EED,

In relation to our next conference in Helsinki we invite nominations for the two EED awards:

1.       Distinguished Fellow

Distinguished Fellows are chosen either for their research accomplishments and/or their service to evolutionary developmental biology. The Distinguished Fellows receive free lifetime membership, and the registration fees for the Biennial Meetings are waived.

2.       Biennial Award

Biennial Awards of the Society are given for outstanding contributions to the field of evolutionary developmental biology. The awardee is invited to present a keynote lecture at the Biennial Meeting and receives the Society Medal.

For both awards, nominations can be made by email to Deadline for nominations is the 29th of December 2023. Please use “EED award” as the subject line. Please attach a word document in which you briefly (200-500 words) outline the justification as to why you nominate a person, and for which award you nominate them. The Executive Committee will collect nominations and seek approval from the Council for the awardees. The awardees will be announced at the meeting in Helsinki.

Best wishes,
Rainer Melzer (secretary) on behalf of the EED Executive Committee

Deadline symposium proposals Helsinki extended to 14th October

Dear members of the EED,

Due to multiple requests we are extending the deadline for symposium proposals for the 9th meeting of the European Society for Evolutionary Developmental Biology (EuroEvoDevo) to 14th October 2023. EuroEvoDevo is scheduled for 25th – 28th June 2024 in Helsinki, Finland (

Each symposium will accommodate four invited speakers, with a time allotment of 25 minutes for each speaker (20 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion). Please remember that speakers can only present in one symposium. To facilitate the selection process, please follow this link (, which will guide you to a submission forms submission page. The form will ask for the following details:


  1. Title of Symposium.
  2. Provisional List of Proposed Speakers.
  3. Abstract Length Description of the Symposium, including a brief indication of each speaker’s contribution.
  4. Brief justification of why the symposium is appropriate for an EED meeting (e.g., timeliness, general interest, interdisciplinarity, integration of evo and devo)
  5. Contact Information of all symposium organizers and additional details.
  6. Indicate whether you intend to seek external financial support for your symposium (Please note that while we don’t provide financial support for invited speakers, we strongly encourage symposium organizers to seek external support).
  7. Feedback for the organizers

We look forward to receiving your symposium suggestions!


Also, please feel free to contact me in case you have any questions (


On behalf of the scientific committee,


Sylvie Rétaux, Program Officer EED

Euro Evo Devo 2024

European Evolutionary Developmental Biology society meeting

June 25 – 28, 2024 in Helsinki, Finland

Call for symposia Helsinki 2024 meeting

Dear Members of the EED,

We are excited to announce the 9th meeting of the European Society for Evolutionary Developmental Biology (EuroEvoDevo) scheduled for 25th – 28th June 2024 in Helsinki, Finland (

The EED Scientific Committee warmly invites symposium proposals for the Helsinki conference. We are committed to stimulating interdisciplinary dialogue and enhancing international collaboration. Therefore, we strongly encourage symposium proposals encompassing broad, integrative topics of potential interest to researchers from various fields such as developmental biology, genetics, paleontology, theoretical biology, ecology, genomics, comparative biology, all underpinned by an evolutionary focus. Symposium proposals that synergize animal and plant studies, with a particular emphasis on evolutionary mechanisms, are also highly encouraged. As part of our commitment to promoting new voices and diverse perspectives in our field, we also strongly encourage the submission of symposium proposals to those interested in exploring controversial or emergent topics.

In our ongoing commitment to promoting new perspectives and inclusive dialogue, we are particularly interested in receiving proposals from first-time applicants and early-career researchers (postdocs, junior PIs). Additionally, we are dedicated to promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion within our scientific community, and we strongly encourage proposals from researchers across various countries and diverse backgrounds.

Each symposium will accommodate four invited speakers, with a time allotment of 25 minutes for each speaker (20 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion). Please remember that speakers can only present in one symposium. To facilitate the selection process, please follow this link (, which will guide you to a submission forms submission page. The deadline for symposium proposals is 30th September 2023.

We look forward to receiving your symposium suggestions! Please feel free to contact the program officer in case you have any questions.

On behalf of the scientific committee,

Sylvie Rétaux, Program Officer EED