Author Archive for: admin
About admin
This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that admin contributed 13 entries already.
Entries by admin
Nominations for EED Awards
/in Announcements/by adminIn relation to our next conference in Naples we invite nominations for the two EED awards: Distinguished Fellow & Biennial Award
Flower Development workshop in Giens (Cote d’Azur)
/in Announcements/by adminPlease visit the website.
2018 Galway Conference
/in Past Conferences/by adminThe 7th conference of the EED was be held on 26-29 June 2018 in Galway, Ireland. Please click here for the conference website.
Summer School on Evolutionary Developmental Biology – Venice, September 18th-21st 2017
/in Announcements/by adminSummer School on Evolutionary Developmental Biology Conceptual and Methodological Foundations 5th Edition: Process Thinking for Evo-Devo Venice, September 18th-21st 2017 Organizers: Alessandro Minelli, Gerd B. Müller and Giuseppe Fusco School director: Johannes Jaeger School sponsors: Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti (IVSLA), Venice and Konrad Lorenz Institute for Evolution and Cognition Research (KLI), Vienna. […]
UK Evo Devo Symposium, 8 September 2017
/in Announcements/by adminUK Evo Devo Symposium, 8 September 2017, Flett Theater, The Natural History Museum, London The NHM will host a 1 day symposium with invited and contributed talks, posters and catering. Please contact to register your attendance. Plenary speaker: Angelika Stollewerk (Queen Mary Univ) Invited speakers: Sinéad Drea (Leicester Univ), Andrew Gillis (Cambridge Univ), Jordi […]
2014 Vienna Conference
/in Past Conferences/by adminThe fifth meeting of the European Society for Evolutionary Developmental Biology was held from July 22–25, 2014 in Vienna. website
2012 Lisbon Conference
/in Past Conferences/by adminThe fourth meeting of the European Society for Evolutionary Developmental Biology (EED) was held from July 10–13, 2012 in Lisbon.